Captain Nakajima, Fox Officer

Notice how his Haori has a collar that makes it look like a trenchcoat?

The weary fox captain is one of The Bureau’s foremost field agents and investigators. He’s not smoking a cigarette, it’s actually incense instead. The incense smoke reveals hidden spiritual activity nearby. He’s not wearing a trenchcoat, it’s a modified Haori (that happens to look like one :P), underneath he’s wearing the standard uniform of a field officer.

Goes by: Captain Nakajima, friends call him Tatsu (Family: Tama-chan)
Male, 32 (Human form appears 47)
6ft 2 (Human)/4ft (standing fox)

A weary, no-nonsense fox who works with the Bureau of Spiritual Affairs as a captain of supernatural law enforcement. He was originally ranked as the Commissioner General of the Ministry of Justice. After 10 years of dedicated service, Tatsuma was demoted to captain. He had risen through the ranks using a human form. When he revealed himself as a transformed yokai, his honesty was met with resentment. Tatsuma’s confession damaged the reputation of the Ministry of Justice.  In the ensuing controversy, the Ministry responded with harsh demotions to his rank. He soon requested a transfer to The Bureau, hoping his experience and abilities would be of service to the newly remade agency.

Raised by loving human parents, he grew up aspiring to protect innocents as a law enforcer. This has forced him to learn to take a more convincing human form. Tatsuma descends from a clan of powerful shape-shifting foxes. Yet, his talents with shape-shifting are actually quite poor for a fox. Tatsuma’s semi-human form is the only one he is able to use for extended periods of time. He relates so much with humanity, that this identity has become part of him. For the captain, changing to this form is effortless despite him being unable to shift to much else.  It is so rooted in his identity that even if knocked unconscious while using this form, he will maintain it by default.

As human as he looks, Tatsuma’s appearance still draws attention. The captain’s hair is the amber color of his fur instead of the dark colors of regular citizens. His two fox tails cast themselves upon his shadow regardless of form. When the captain is flustered or relaxed, both of these tails might even appear. When needed, Tatsuma can force himself to look completely human, right down to every detail save his shadow. It is quite taxing on him, often distracting his thoughts. He cannot maintain it for more than a day without good rest.

The captain has faced discrimination from both sides of his upbringing. He has seen the worst of his blood kin and the human society that raised him. But he has seen the best that humanity has to offer in his parents. These hardships have motivated him to work wholeheartedly towards spirit-human relations and law enforcement. His views can be earnest though, if not a bit overzealous. He believes that if humans and spirits want to live together, everyone must learn follow the law.

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